Read more +28 December 2021 By soluto in Lastik Bakımı

Choosing the Right Tyre

Tyres are among the most significant parts of cars. The most important parts that carry the whole burden of a vehicle and make the vehicle to go are tyres. Therefore, it is important that maintenance and control of tyres are performed regularly and correctly. In choosing the right tyre, factors such as
Read more +27 October 2021 By soluto in Lastik Bakımı

Periodical Tyre Maintenance

Periodical maintenance is also another important issue. Going on traffic with a vehicle which hasn’t gone under a maintenance is highly risky and dangerous. Tyres of vehicles get brown when those tyres do not go under maintenance regularly and they wear out more quickly and do not function
Read more +14 October 2016 By soluto in Lastik Bakımı

Storing and Keeping Tyres

Tyres must be changed in line with the season. When there is a transition to winter tyres in winter you need to keep your summer tyres or four-season tyres until the next season. Tyres must be kept under proper conditions so that they can be used smoothly for long years.